TAKE ACTION NOW!!  Email your representatives and let them know that you stand with the Phoenix Police Department and oppose any form of federal oversight. Your voice matters. Feel free to customize this template with your personal details and specific points you want to emphasize. Click on your City Leaders at the bottom and a form will open where you can paste the above note with any of your own points.

Dear Mayor/Council Member/City Manager,

I am writing to express my strong opposition to federal oversight of the Phoenix Police Department. As a resident of Phoenix, I am deeply concerned about the implications of this federal intervention for our city and its law enforcement officers.

The Department of Justice’s scathing report about our Phoenix Police Officers alleges routine civil rights violations without providing references or citations to support these serious claims. I take issue with these allegations and believe the DOJ should have to provide concrete evidence.

I fully support the brave men and women of the Phoenix Police Department and urge you not to remove control of our police department from the community and our elected city council members. I am adamantly opposed to subjecting our officers to a consent decree or any form of memorandum of agreement with the DOJ.

We understand the risks associated with consent decrees, which often result in increased costs and administrative complexities without necessarily improving police practices. While a memorandum of agreement might avoid the expense of an appointed monitor, it still shifts control of critical aspects of our police department to a federal agency, undermining local oversight.

I implore you to make the DOJ prove their allegations in court. The worst outcome, if they are successful, would be a decree, but we must demand transparency.

Removing control of our police department from our community and elected city council members would be a grave mistake. Stand with the residents of Phoenix and protect our community’s right to self-governance. Let us ensure our local police department remains under local control, accountable to the people it serves.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.


[Your Name]

Learn More:

Learn More about the investigation, as well as the reform & actions Phoenix PD has taken to continuously improve:  https://www.phoenix.gov/police/doj