Make a difference in the direction of your community and government!

Get involved, and become a Republican Precinct Committeeman!

Precinct Committeemen are the most important elected official in the Republican Party! Precinct Committeeman, a PC, is the official title of a grassroots volunteer. There is one PC position for every 125 Republican voters in a precinct.

Elections are not won at the state, national, or even county level; elections are won in the individual precincts, one vote at a time with the help of grassroots leaders, namely Precinct Committeemen.

The “fundamentals” of politics is registering voters, polling, telephoning, and door knocking; spreading the Republican platform; building relationships between neighbors and elected officials; and turning out the vote on Election Day. The goal for PCs is to maximize Republican turnout! These are the fundamentals that WIN elections and put Republicans in office. So naturally, your personal influence on the public is a reflection of you, and is what the Republican Party ultimately becomes. PCs are the key to winning elections all the way up the ballot and this is why we consider PCs the most important elected officials in the Republican Party!

The Basic Tasks for Precinct Committeemen are to Work Together for a Strong Republican Victory!

Every precinct is different. Frequent contact with your neighbors is the secret to success in a political campaign. Large media campaigns have a place in the political process, but it is the Grassroots organization that makes it happen. These are some basic items that need to be covered.

The PCs in a precinct choose from among themselves a precinct captain to assume overall precinct leadership.

  • The captain organizes all volunteers and assigns areas to them for door-to-door and telephone work.
  • Have voter registration forms available in your precinct. Regularly check for newly moved-in Republicans. Look for families with someone turning 18 years of age before the next election.
  • Attend or hold events in your precinct and get to know your neighbors.
  • Attend district or county Republican meetings to share information and ideas.
  • Study the Republican Platform and be ready to positively articulate our positions.
  • Be informed on local, state, and national issues.
  • You may be asked to circulate petitions for Republican candidates and/or to walk your precinct with an elected official so that he or she may be introduced to your neighbors.
  • Assist your precinct captain in recruiting election board workers and poll observers.
  • Distribute election information and candidate literature to the voters in your precinct.
  • Assist your precinct captain in establishing Election Day Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) plans.

Precinct Committeemen are eligible to vote for the leaders of the Republican Party at the District, County and State levels; thus having an influence on the direction of the Republican Party leadership.

Besides working in your individual precinct, PCs meet monthly with other Republicans in their Legislative Districts. These Republican Committees work together as teams, combining their individual talents to stand for Republican values. Each Legislative District (LD) has an LD Chairman that organizes and supports effective teamwork and growth. Most LDs also have various committees and ways to help. At these local meetings, you have the opportunity to meet regularly with local and state elected officials.

Sign Up As a PC