An excellent question, newbie! And that’s the last time “newbie” will be used. As of now, you are a PC in training. PC’s have a multitude of tasks they can perform in support of their precinct, the LD and their voting constituents. No single PC does everything but every PC should feel obligated to do something. The expectation is: All PCs join to make a difference. You can best do that by learning as much as you can about what PCs do. Your PC time will be much more enjoyable if you form relationships and pursue your passions as they relate to political activism.

The best place to start is with the training available on the LD26 website. This training will give you a good foundation on which to build. Along the way, you will need to receive some in-person training on information specific to LD26.

To start, go to azld26.com. Navigate to the “Get Involved” drop down menu. Select “PC Portal”. On the next screen, enter the password azld26 Once you’re in, look for the icons listed below for the training program.

Begin with the Precinct Committeeman (PC) Handbook. As its name suggests, this is a resource you will want to consult when you have questions about something in particular. If the answer isn’t in there, then consult another PC, your Precinct Captain or a Board member. You will likely not want to sit down and just read it straight-through, there will likely be parts you’ll want to skip.

In between readings or even prior to reading, submit a Voter Data Agreement to get access to Voter Spectrum. This software provides you access to the registered voters in your precinct and, if you’re working on a candidate’s campaign, access to their constituents. This will be your most important and valuable PC tool. Begin by completing the form on the Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) website:  maricopagop.org/voter-spectrum/

Roberts Rule

All formal meetings you attend will be conducted using parliamentary procedures referred to as Robert’s Rules of Order or RONR. To help understand RONR and be able to participate, spend some time watching these videos on the basics. Don’t be afraid to engage at LD meetings even if you’re unsure what to do. The Chairman should allow some grace and guide you through the process. Experience is the best teacher.

Little by little, start to get familiar with the LD26 Bylaws. The Bylaws form the guiding principles for the LD. RONR calls the Bylaws rules that the society considers so important they cannot be changed without prior notice and a large majority vote and neither can they be suspended. You’ll want to know the Bylaws so that you can hold your leadership accountable to them. Begin by understanding what they have to say about PCs.

PC Training

This icon includes three parts. Two are slideshows from another LD that are informative but not entirely applicable to LD26. Watch them if you like. You are encouraged to go to PC Door Knocking. There are 6 videos on dfferent topics. They are relatively short with the longest being 15 minutes.