There are many ways to GET INVOLVED and to help Republicans Get Elected!  Here are some specific ideas:

Mail In Your Ballot!

Don’t forget to take the most basic action — get your ballot counted!!  Mail it in EARLY (at least before July 23rd), or physically drive it to the elections office.  And then Track You Ballot!

Support Local AZLD26 Candidates

Support your local AZ-LD-26 candidates — Skyla Edwards and Frank Roberts for State House, and Victor Harris for State Senator.

TP Action – Ballot Chasing

Turning Point Action has a comprehensive ballot chasing program, and too few people to run it at this time.  The rep I talked to covers our LD and He’s looking for 2 or more people to work as ballot chasing coordinators in this area. They are looking for employees not volunteers. You don’t need to be a PC. Once they have some coordinators, we can work with them on implementing their system to do ballot chasing.  The positions are W-2 jobs that pay $20/hr and are full-time. Some people will be kept on after the election is over. If you are interested or know someone who may be interested, let me know and I’ll put you in contact with our area rep. Once we have area reps, we will need volunteers to help – either PCs or non-PCs.  Trump has a couple new slogans – “Too Big to Rig” and “Swamp the Vote”. What he means is we need to get every possible Republican voter to the polls. The three main things we need to do to accomplish a massive wave of Republican voters is to register voters, get the vote out, and chase ballots. Simple but it will take a lot of hard work.

Poll Watching and Poll Workers

Poll Watching and Poll Working is extremely important, and requires republican and democrat pairs, if there aren’t enough republicans available to match to democrats, then the demonrats get paired w/ another dem, which is not desirable for safe and secure elections.  We have assigned Keith and Sharon Cullers to assist our members with this process. They have the calendar of available dates. Please contact them directly and get plugged in today.
Keith Cullers (602) 909-5831
Sharon Cullers (602) 908-2397
the following is an article that highlights the importance of poll working:  The Guy Who Organizes Ballot Counting, Says Election Results Will Not Match Polling

Protect the Vote

Help Us Fight for Election Integrity in Arizona! Secure elections are the cornerstone of this Constitutional Republic. Your help is critical to ensure the election is fair and honest. Republican Poll Observers and Workers are needed for Election Integrity Operations during the 2024 election season. Poll Observers observe and report potential issues which may arise at polling locations and ballot tabulation centers. Poll Workers play an official role in administering the election at the precinct level. Now is your chance to help America vote with confidence and do your part for election integrity. Training will be provided.

Sign Up to Join the Election Integrity Team

Unrelated to the Election, but Vitally Important

The Department of Justice is trying to make a power-move to usurp control of the Phoenix Police Department from the City Council.  Federal control of your police department would not go well, when has centralized control ever worked? it always results in mismanagement of funds, managerial bloat, and more crime.  Here’s what the Phoenix PD has to say:  “The Department of Justice’s scathing report about our Phoenix Police Officers alleges routine civil rights violations without providing references or citations to support these serious claims. I take issue with these allegations and believe the DOJ should have to provide concrete evidence.  I fully support the brave men and women of the Phoenix Police Department and urge you not to remove control of our police department from the community and our elected city council members. I am adamantly opposed to subjecting our officers to a consent decree or any form of memorandum of agreement with the DOJ.  We understand the risks associated with consent decrees, which often result in increased costs and administrative complexities without necessarily improving police practices. While a memorandum of agreement might avoid the expense of an appointed monitor, it still shifts control of critical aspects of our police department to a federal agency, undermining local oversight.  I implore you to make the DOJ prove their allegations in court. The worst outcome, if they are successful, would be a decree, but we must demand transparency.  Removing control of our police department from our community and elected city council members would be a grave mistake. Stand with the residents of Phoenix and protect our community’s right to self-governance. Let us ensure our local police department remains under local control, accountable to the people it serves.

Use this form

Contact all the mayor, manger, and councilmembersMayor Kate Gallego | D1 Councilwoman Ann O’Brien | D2 Councilman Jim Waring | D3 Vice Mayor Debra Stark | D4 Councilwoman Laura Pastor | D6 Councilman Kevin Robinson | D7 Councilman Carlos Galindo-Elvira | D8 Councilwoman Kesha Hodge Washington | City Manager Jeff Barton

–last updated 10july2024